Sunday, June 14, 2009

Play date with my best bud..Eme!!

Mom, Ms. Julie, Eme, and I went to the Hoover Library for story hour. We had a blast as you can see. This is only the beginning of our fun. We went to the botanical gardens in Hoover. That is where it all got interesting. Mom and Julie did not notice the sign that said "DO NOT FEED THE DUCKS OR GEESE." Well, they gave Eme and I crackers to throw. THEN we had to RUN!! The whole flock of geese swarmed us. Ms. Julie had all the crackers so she took off. Mom scooped up Eme and yelled at me to RUN!!! We ran almost all the way to the parking lot before those goofy things stopped following us. You can see more pics in the next post of us feeding the fish.

1 comment:

Malone Family said...

Glad you got some pictures of the kiddos at Storytime. I should have brought my camera! Maybe we'll go again one Thursday.

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