Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Father's Day!!

I wished Dad a Happy Father's Day bright and early at 7:00am. I couldn't wait to tell him how much I love him. Mom and I decided to get him a digital picture frame for his desk at work. This way he can show all my pics without having a dozen picture frames. He really liked it a lot!!

Lovin' the baby food!

I tried bananas and carrots and loved both of them! I knew I would like the other foods better than those green beans and peas.

Floatin' in the pool with the fam.

Granddaddy makes sure I have a great inventory of floats to choose from. I have so many I don't know which one to choose. As you can see Mom decided she would play on one of my bumper boats while I played in my yellow float. Daddy was funny and tried to turn Mom over but he thought it might be best to not do that.

Playing in the water!

I LOVE THE WATER!!!! I like to play in the sprinklers, in the pool, and even play in the water coming from the hose pipe! Granddaddy, Mom, and I thought it would be fun to play in the water one hot afternoon.

Talking it over with Granddaddy

Granddaddy and I decided to go out to play and talk over life's big questions. I love hanging with him, he's pretty funny and he gives me things like Dumb Dumbs. Don't tell Mom about the suckers. :)~

Look what Granddaddy & Mimi got me!

I got BUMPER BOATS!!!! I was so excited to see that my BIG suprise was two bumper boats for me. Mom and Dad had more fun than me but just wait until next year. I love them and had a great time playing in them. Mimi had fun too, she flipped hers over. We don't have a pic of it but we have it on video. I thought it was real funny and Mom almost wet her pants laughing at Mimi.
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker