Saturday, August 4, 2007

Some of Mom's favorites!

I did get a little of my Mom...

I may look just like my Dad but I have my Mom's ears. Of all the characteristics to get from her I got her bent ears. Oh well maybe chicks dig bent ears.

What have they put me in???

I think they have lost it....

Mom, Dad, Papa Joe and Nana are all acting really crazy. I don't know if I should smile or run away. They keep shaking things at me, calling my name, and making funny noises. I don't know what has gotten into them.

I am done with this!!!!!

Mom made me wear this girly outfit even though Dad didn't like it she still won out. I am tired of having my picture made in it - GET ME OUT OF THIS THING!

Another visit to Portrait Innovations

Mom and Dad made me have my supposed 6 month pictures made today.

In reality I am 7 months but I was really 4 months in the last visit so there is 3 months difference either way! I wasn't really sure about this but I went along with having my pictures made just for my Mom. I would smile for a couple of pics but not for every one.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

What's that?

I just want to get a hold of that silver flashy thing just once but Mom will not ever let me.

Oh the toys...

We had all the toys pulled and we had a blast! I loved having them right at my fingertips.

Aren't we cute together?

Everybody loves Elmo!

How you doin?

We are one month apart in age and we have a ball together. We even played footsie on Thursday! I like it when she smiles at me. :)~

The girls came for a visit!

I had a ton of fun when Mrs. Kristy and the girls came to walk and have dinner. I really like Karsen!
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker